NOT ALL COLD BREW IS CREATED EQUAL. MANY ARE BREWED HOT AND COOLED. THAT’S WHY WE DEVELOPED TRUE COLD BREW. True to our word. True to our coffee. truly brewed cold. true cold brew.
Truly brewed cold in the most optimal conditions for maximum flavour.
The true Process
Finca las amapolas
First, We roast the finest coffee from Finca Las Amapolas, Guatemala. this is then ground to a medium/coarse grind.
brewed cold to pefection
We cold Brew the coffee in filtered water at >4c for 10-12 hours. it’s Constantly stirred to ensure even brewing and homogenisation of the process.
nitrogen boosted
Our nitro CB Is then Transferred through our frame filter to the Nitrogen tank. Constantly flushed with Nitrogen in our pressurised Nitro container for 10 hours.
Optimized From bean to brew
The entire process is rigerously supervised by master roaster and brewer, brian kenny to ensure the most optimal conditions.
Packed, ready to be cracked
Transferred to our packing machine, where it has nitrogen applied via a cryogenic doser into each individual can. Then, it’s ready to be cracked.
no ice. no room temperature brew. no oxidation.
Truly brewed cold in the most optimal conditions for maximum flavour.
The true Process
Finca las amapolas
First, We roast the finest coffee from Finca Las Amapolas, Guatemala. this is then ground to a medium/coarse grind.
brewed cold to pefection
We cold Brew the coffee in filtered water at >4c for 10-12 hours. it’s Constantly stirred to ensure even brewing and homogenisation of the process.
nitrogen boosted
Our nitro CB Is then Transferred through our frame filter to the Nitrogen tank. Constantly flushed with Nitrogen in our pressurised Nitro container for 10 hours.
Optimized From bean to brew
The entire process is rigerously supervised by master roaster and brewer, brian kenny to ensure the most optimal conditions.
Packed, ready to be cracked
Transferred to our packing machine, where it has nitrogen applied via a cryogenic doser into each individual can. Then, it’s ready to be cracked.